Dr. Diane Hernandez, Psy. D. Join Dr. Diane Hernandez, Psy. D. as we discuss the importance of incorporating Mental Health with the assessment and treatment of infertility.
Marcelo J. Barrionuevo, M.D., is subspecialty certified in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility and has more than 25 years of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility. Before joining IVF FLORIDA Reproductive Associates in 1998, he served on the faculty of the University of South Florida, College of Medicine in Tampa,...
Dr. George Love Jr. is a licensed primary care physician in the state of Florida since 1986 as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM), Herbalist, Food Therapist and certified Acupuncturist for 22 years. He is the former Dean of Oriental Medicine Studies at Barna College of Health Science in Ft....
Fertile Lifestyle & Mindset: An Interactive Coaching Experience Laura Sgroi is a natural fertility success story against great odds (diminished ovarian reserve, AMH 0.03, panic high FSH 31), who you can often find sharing her fertility journey and tips as a message of hope. She is a bilingual speaker, certified coach by...